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We have

the tools,

so let's get started.

We care about the details.


the experts your project needs.

With decades of experience in terrestrial and aquatic research, we have the ecological wisdom and advantage that comes from hunting, fishing, hiking and exploring in the diverse range of watersheds that we study.


We thrive on getting our feet wet and our hands dirty, and are proven, adaptable, and ready to assemble a team of highly skilled scientists and technicians to support your project.  

We are a motivated, energetic team eager for the opportunity to develop innovative projects that address your needs. 


Our size and efficiency allows us to take a project from design to implementation in a short time, plus we are adept at collaborating with other entities to harness additional skills.


We love what we do, and our genuine commitment to the environment we study is reflected in the quality of our work.

A dedicated Terraqua project manager works with you from start to finish, ensuring responsive communication and consistent quality throughout the project.


We are able to communicate clearly with all stakeholders in a meaningful and concise way, and our reporting is comprehensive, clear and well presented, successfully focusing on your needs and improving your decision-making.  

We strive to solve your problems, not just study them.  

Terraqua Inc. has operated in North Central Washington since 1995.

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